LIMSC 2025

@ Leiden, The Netherlands

14th - 17th of May
  • days
  • hours
  • minutes
Key illustration

Important information

How will my abstract be selected?

Key illustration

Once all abstracts are submitted, they will be reviewed and ranked by the Scientific Committee of LIMSC 2025. The highest-ranked abstracts will be selected for oral presentations, while those ranked next will be invited to present their research as poster presentations. You will receive an email notifying you of your acceptance status as a presenting participant, along with a registration link. If your abstract is not selected for presentation, we still warmly encourage you to join us at LIMSC 2025 as an attendee.

Snake illustration that creates a visual divider

Criteria for Abstracts:

  • Abstracts in all CAPS LOCKS will not be graded/read.
  • Abstracts must be written in correct English grammar and spelling.
  • This conference is not suitable for veterinary medicine.
  • Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are NOT allowed.
  • Case reports are allowed.
  • If the maximum amount of 350 words are exceeded the abstract will be cut off in the grading process.
  • No preference can be given to either oral or poster presentation”

Criteria for Oral Presentations:

  • If you are invited to LIMSC 2025 to give an oral presentation, you will be assigned to present your research in one of the foreseen “oral presentation” slots. This will be taking place in classrooms and lecture halls.
  • You will have a time limit of 8 minutes for your presentation. If necessary, a crew member will stop you when your time is up. After your presentation, there will be 2 minutes for questions and discussion from the jury, which will also be part of your assessment.

Please note that there is no possibility to edit your presentation once you have handed it in.

During the Finale & Closing Ceremony on Saturday, March 13th, the top three participants will present their research again in front of the entire LIMSC audience. After these presentations, the jury will decide on the winner.

Criteria for Poster Presentations:

  • If you are invited to LIMSC 2025 to give a poster presentation, you will be assigned to one of the “poster presentation” slots in the schedule and will present your poster in a large hall with other poster presentations. This gives you the opportunity to present your research to visitors.
  • Your presentation cannot exceed 3 minutes. After your presentations, you will have 1 minute for questions and discussion.
  • Please bring your poster in A0 format (1189 x 841 mm) or smaller, printed vertically. Note that there are no printing facilities for posters at the conference. Ensure your poster holder is labeled with your name for identification.

Make sure your poster is packed properly to prevent any damage during your travels. We cannot be held responsible for any damage incurred during the conference.

Submit your posters on time at the Scientific Desk. We recommend doing this the day before your presentation, but no later than 9:00 AM on the day of your presentation.

Snake illustration that creates a visual divider

Prizes and awards

Oral Presentations

  • 1st Place: €1.000,00
  • 2nd Place: €500,00
  • 3rd Place: €250,00

Poster Presentations

  • 1st Place: €250,00
  • 2nd Place: €150,00
  • 3rd Place: €100,00