LIMSC 2025

@ Leiden, The Netherlands

14th - 17th of May Register now
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Presenting participants are bachelor, master or PhD students in Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, Clinical Technology, Pharmacy or other related life sciences who are invited to LIMSC to present their own research. Participants will present their research either through an oral presentation (using PowerPoint) or a poster presentation. Any recent research project, except for systematic reviews and meta-analyses can be submitted. The presented research must align with one of the research themes of the Leiden University Medical Center. These are:

  1. Academic Pharma
  2. Cancer
  3. Cardiovascular
  4. Immunity
  5. Infection
  6. Health, Aging & Society
  7. Medical Genomics
  8. Neuroscience
  9. Prevention & Lifestyle
  10. Regenerative medicine of tissues and organs 
  11. (Bio)Medical Imaging
  12. Medical Technology

More information about the LUMC’s research themes can be found here. If you have any questions about the themes, you are welcome to contact us via email.

Attending participants can take part in all scientific and social programme activities, but they do not have to present any research during oral and poster presentation sessions. 

By visiting LIMSC as an attending participant, you can attend presentations of fellow participants, learn about international research, participate in interactive and innovative workshops, and be inspired by renowned guest speakers. On top of this, you can sign up for all activities of our extensive social programme. Get to know the pubs of Leiden during our pub crawl, dress up for the Black Tie Dinner and spend a full day in Amsterdam during our post-conference tour! During the social activities, you will get the opportunity to meet like-minded students from all over the world, while getting to know the unique Dutch culture and beautiful city of Leiden.